Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My son's tooth has been loose for so long but won't come out?....?

My 6 year-old is about to lose is second tooth.....so I thought. His two front bottom teeth were loose at the same time, and one of them fell out over a month ago, but the other one is still hanging on. The new tooth is coming through behind it (somewhat sideways, too). I've promised him I won't pull it %26amp; we work with it %26amp; wiggle it just about every day. It's VERY loose, it can even move from side to side, but because the new tooth is coming in behind it, we can't wiggle it in THAT direction, which normally I think would be just what it needs to finally let go. What are the chances that this could damage his new tooth trying to come in?

My son's tooth has been loose for so long but won't come out?....?
Some children's tooth roots don't resorb as they should. Wiggling will help, but if the permanent tooth is coming in behind the primary one, it's time to break your promise or get him to a good pedodontist. Allowing this situation to remain will lead to an orthodontist's bill in your future. Look for this to happen again with some of your son's other teeth.
Reply:It will not damage the new tooth coming it but it may make it come in not as straight as it should. If he won't let you pull the loose tooth then have the dentist pull it for him.
Reply:It's ok. Mine was like that too, when I was little. Just hold tight. It'll come out. If you really want to get it out, get him to eat apples. That's what my friend did.
Reply:leave it it will come out when its ready it wont hurt his new teeth
Reply:I really don't think it will damage the tooth... but you may want to talk to a dentist though.

Why did you promise not to pull it out? If you could just pull it, then you wouldn't even have to worry about it, and if it is as loose as you say it is then it shouldn't hurt your son too badly.
Reply:try tuning it and if that do not work take him to the dentest
Reply:grab the tooth with your thumb and the ring finger and pull as hard as you can. Should come out.

If he was an adult a better solution would be a punch in the face.
Reply:My son had the same issue at age 6 and we took him to the dentist twice. The dentist said it was ok for the teeth to come in that way (he may need orthodontic work in the future) unless he was in pain, which he wasn't. One day just out of the blue he showed me his tooth and it was so loose that I just wiggled it a little and it came out. If you are concerned though, put in a call to his dentist. Hope this helps you.
Reply:GOD, that freaks me out! I hate loose teeth - they scare me! At any rate, do what my family did to me when I was little. Tie one end of a string to the tooth and the other end to a door knob and slam the door shut. LOL, they really did that. Sometimes you just have to force that b*astard out! Ofourse, a more human approach would be to call the dentist and get his advice.
Reply:Try to keep working at it and it may come out if not take him in to the dentist and they can remove it.
Reply:knock him on the head and pull it when he is unconscious. i promise he will not be mad at you for breaking your promise when he wakes up.
Reply:just go to the dentist.most often in cases like this it is possible to remove the tooth by just applying topical anesthetic so that it wont be painful to his gums when the dentist moves his tooth around. there wont be direct damage to the tooth that is coming, in its more of malalignment of his permanent teeth may occur.

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