Sunday, October 11, 2009

Help! I have a loose tooth?

I am 18, so I have all adult teeth. However, one of my teeth is BARELY loose. I brush and floss. What can I do to stop from losing my tooth?

Help! I have a loose tooth?
All teeth are slightly mobile or move a little. The teeth are held in place with periodontal ligaments, these work like a spring or cushion allowing the teeth to flex and move slightly, keeping the teeth from breaking during chewing.

If you feel it is really loose then you may want to see your dentist for an evaluation. At your age, you shouldn't be loosing teeth, unless you have really poor hygiene.
Reply:See a dentist.
Reply:Some teeth are just a bit wobblier than others. However, if you are concerned, ask your dentist about it. If you don't have a dentist, get one-it's important to your health :)
Reply:You need to see a dentist asap. This is what I am dealing with right now. You have bone loss. I brush my teeth every day - but bcuz I had a tongue ring for 10 years and it ruined my front tooth. So now I have to have surgury. So go see a dentist asap!!!!
Reply:I have braces and sometimes my teeth get wobbly.

Sometimes i can move them more than other times but if you are concerned about it just go see a dentist, itll only take about 5 minutes for him to check and if he says your fine off you go !
Reply:leave it alone and dont mess with it. or go to the dentist and see what he says. some people have 3 sets of teeth but it is really rare

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