Sunday, October 11, 2009

When should a child loose their first tooth?

My son will be 7 next week and hasn't lost a single tooth yet! None of them are loose or anything. He was early to get his baby teeth, the first one at 3 1/2 months. He's upset that all of his friends are loosing teeth when he's not. Should we be worried yet? Is it a good thing he hasn't lost any yet?

When should a child loose their first tooth?
Children can lose teeth as early as five, but most children lose their first tooth between the ages of 6 and 7.
Reply:That is pretty old, but so long as your dentist says everything is okay, I wouldn't fret. You should check to see if he has any adult teeth erupting behind or around these stubborn baby teeth. If this is the case, and there still not loose, you might want to take him to his dentist. Then they'll decide if it's alright to let them fall out on their own, or if they need to be pulled.
Reply:My daughter lost her first tooth at 71/2. The dentist can exray his teeth and see the news ones coming in.

I wouldn't worry, I am sure he is fine!


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