Friday, October 23, 2009

My daughters tooth is loose what do i do?

well my daughter still has her tooth at the bottom of her mouth and it wont fall out i hate the site of blood when i was 10 i had a loose tooth at the bottom of my mouth and it hurt even though i am 27 im still scared of the dentist and so is my daughter what do i do she says it is really annoying her. when i was little my dad stuck his nails under my tooth and pulled it out but if i did that it would hurt her gum cause i have long nails what do i do

My daughters tooth is loose what do i do?
If it's REALLY loose then don't panic and don't pull it out. Find some candy like Fruit Rollups. Roll it into a ball and place it on the tooth that's loose. GENTLY push it down so it's stuck on the tooth. Leave it there for a bit and gently pull it off. Your tooth should be stuck in the candy and you won't feel pain at all. I did this before with my molar and I didn't feel a thing. Another way you can do it if you don't have candy is get a cup of cold water and smashed ice. Stir the smashed ice and cold water around and have your daughter drink it. It should come loose in her mouth. Good luck on getting it out!
Reply:It will come out when it is ready. Like I tell my first graders, give it time.
Reply:Make sure it is loose enough and pull it out. You don't have to use your nails if it is loose enough. Sometimes they fall out on their own if they are really loose, too.
Reply:i rekon tell ur girl to man up and take her to the denist, let it come out naturaly and tell her not to play with it and maybe give her some bonjella numbing jell for gum's
Reply:If it's really ready to come out you could tie a thread around it and pull it. It should come out on it's own any day. How about biting into an apple? (Your daughter, not you.)
Reply:Show her how to pull it out herself, if she really wants to. That's what my parents did when I was little. Otherwise, just tell her to be patient. Or eat some toffee or something!
Reply:I think you're more scared then she is.

Calm down first. Then, just wait till it falls out naturally. It will get looser and looser till it just falls out. The worst that will happen is she will swallow it but thats not that bad.
Reply:you can get a paper towel and dry the tooth off then just yank it out or plyers. If it is really loose try a laffy taffy or starburst any chewy candy and mold it around the tooth and pull it out.
Reply:have her eat a very firm apple. An apple a day! that's how I once lost a tooth once that just wouldn't fall out! Don't worry, unless it begins to re-attach and the new tooth grows behind or in front of it, you don't need to see a dentist over a loose tooth. :)

Don't use your finger nail!! Even "clean" hands harbor bacteria under the nail! I know its easy not to think about those things, but its true.
Reply:It will fall out when it is ready.
Reply:wrap it in dental floss with clean hands and use a bit of clean toilet paper give a quick jerk and the loose tooth will come out.into the toilet paper. I'll be praying for your success.


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