Friday, October 23, 2009

Can I Pull My Cat's Very Loose Tooth?

The other day, I noticed that my cat's tooth (the tiny incisor on the top of his mouth closest to his canine) looked out of place and the gum around it was very red. So, I took him to the vet. to see what was wrong, and the vet was able to wiggle the tooth A LOT! So, he recommend a blood test to check for organ damage and gave us antibiotics to take for the next month for his inflamed gums. My cat has been taking antibiotics for the past week or so and I am tempted to pull his tooth out myself. He has other health problems and is over 12 years old and I am worried that if he gets anesthetized, he might not wake up. His tooth is extremely loose and he's on antibiotics for his gums, so I'm asking, would it be wise to pull his tooth out myself? Anyone ever done this or heard of someone doing this?


Can I Pull My Cat's Very Loose Tooth?
It doesn't really seem like a great idea to me. Wait for the vet to diagnose him. Plus, your cat would be pretty peeved at you even if nothing bad happened.

Make sure your feeding him soft foods so it doesn't hurt him too much, and maybe call the clinic again to ask what to do about the tooth.
Reply:i wouldnt..=]
Reply:Nope i wouldnt either, you might not get the whole tooth.

Not sure why your vet wanted a blood test though (more money !!!!)

I am sure your vet will not put him through an Op if there is a chance he wouldnt wake up.

BTW, what are his other health problems ?
Reply:You could.....IF cat lets you....
Reply:NO!!! them things fall out when there ready
Reply:I dont think that I would do that. Just call your vet and see if the blood work has come back yet, because your very concerened.
Reply:My cat has a lose tooth too.I went to the vet.He told me to just let it fall out.If you try to pull it.It will get irratated.Trust me this just happened to me 2 days ago.
Reply:NO! that's the worst thing you could possibly do! Be patient and wait for the vet to get the test results back but till then be patient.


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