Friday, October 23, 2009

Ok gums problem?my loose tooth.?

where my loose tooth is (i'm 12) ok so like my gum where the loose tooth is is like puff up and white I dunno y. Does anyone know y its like that cuz like it looks like when u get blisters on ur hand and the blister puff up and its all white its like that...and like theres some tiny i mean tinny parts wit blood and it doesn't hurt its just bothering me...

Ok gums problem?my loose tooth.?
The gum in the area of the loose tooth is probably irritated which is causing it to be puffy and maybe have some bleeding. It may also look white due to the pressure of the tooth below it pushing up, causing blanching. Blanching reduces some blood flow to the area and therefore it looks less pink than normal. Just keep wiggling it!

Hope that helps!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:If its a baby tooth (though all your baby teeth should be out buy now) try and pull it out but if its not maybe you should go to the dentist and get him/her to check it out. If its really loose they might pull it out and give you a fake (but permanent and real-looking) tooth. Its nothing big.
Reply:it can be a sign of gum disease. better seek help of a dental expert immediately for it can get worse. do not forget to maintain proper oral hygiene. for more tips to get ris of bad breath visit


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