Sunday, October 11, 2009

Normal for a child's loose tooth to go gray?

My daughter is soon to be 5. Just the past two days I noticed her two bottom teeth are loose, bleeding a little and now are going gray? I know it is soon time for the tooth fairy and that loosing baby teeth is normal, however, is the graying normal?

Normal for a child's loose tooth to go gray?
yes, if the blood supply to tooth has been severed
Reply:If it was normal you wouldn't be asking about it now would you?
Reply:i dont think so... i say take her to a dentist ASAP
Reply:They start graying when they are dying. You should take her to the dentist.
Reply:if they are loose teeth, they will have less blood flowing through them, and they will look a tint of gray. If teeth other than the loose ones are turning gray, go to a dentist
Reply:She must have bumped her mouth. Grey is not normal. It is a sign that the teeth have died which isn't good. This doesn't just happen when they loss their teeth. Something has happened to her two teeth. By 5 years old your daughter should be going to the dentist for check ups. He can advise you what to do and give her the proper treatment that 5 years old need to protect their future and present teeth.
Reply:the gray might be caused by blood supply loss, but they shouldn't be a Dramatic gray, that is bad.

And at 5, I don't think it's normal to be losing teeth. Useally, they start that aroudn 7-8.

I would call the dentist, see what they think.
Reply:My older daughter had some teeth that looked gray when they were loose and when they came out they appeared to be decayed. Perhaps they have been loose so long that a cavity has developed. No worries. They will be out soon. The tooth fairy brings golden dollars at our house.
Reply:There are many reasons this can happen. Like how long has the tooth been loose? How much bleeding is going on at the base of her teeth? From a another parents point of view, I would try to let them come out on there own . If they are still bleeding in a week I would call or try to see a dentist.
Reply:It happens, but its not good. It means that your child has a pretty severe decay problem. If your child still has her baby teeth, have the tooth pulled or repaired and teach the kid healthy dental care habits. Tooth decay spreads, so it's important to take care of the problem before the permanent teeth start coming in.

Also, it may be time to look at the kid's diet. Lots of sweets can cause tooth decay. If your child is often ill, this could also do it; the medicine that we give kids when they are sick is clear full of sugar.
Reply:it is because the nerve endings in the tooth are dead
Reply:do you know if she has fallen? or hit her teeth on something or with something? my brother fell and hit the fireplace when he was younger and they did the same thing just because there were "dead" and the gums were bruised. Dont panic just see a dentist and they can be easily removed.

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