Friday, November 6, 2009

Is it ok for a cat who is 8 years to loose one of their fang teeth?

as all things age, teeth will deteriorate. Even more so for certain breeds like siamese or siamese mixes who are notorious for bad teeth even with proper dental cleanings. You can run things by your vet for advice on a possible cleaning and preventitive things.sometimes the hard foods that were helpful for younger cats to maintain healthy teeth, just make a senior cat's miserable as hard food are more difficult to chew on sensitive teeth and gums. Almost all of my cats have had siamese in them and ive always had to keep up with dental cleaning, proper diets, and as they aged mix wet with dry food to help ailing mouths. THis is common with seniors dogs and cats, as age deterimines a new life stage diet.

Is it ok for a cat who is 8 years to loose one of their fang teeth?
Possibly...if he never lost it before...
Reply:is your cat on wet food if so then it could've became a bad tooth
Reply:it's okay in the sense that it does happen. but you should have her checked by a vet to make sure she doesn't have dental disease, or need a dental cleaning etc. having bad teeth can cause other, more serious problem
Reply:yes, cats loose teeth as they get older. Take it to the vet if you notice difficulty chewing or blood. Consider giving your cat treats specifically for tartar and plaque control. If you notice it losing multiple teeth DEFINITELY get to a vet to have it checked out, it may be something even more serious.
Reply:I have 2 older cats and none have lost teeth. You have to check first if it fell out 'cause it bit something that was hard or something, cuz cats can get gingivitis (infection of the gums) and the infection can travel up to their brains and they might die if left untreated. This happened to one of my cats. If it's not due to infection, then i guess it's OK.
Reply:my cat broke both her fangs, I am not sure that someone wasn't mean to her but the teeth are fine and she can still catch rodents. you should have a vet check her if she seems to have an infection or if the root is there then they may need to come out so that an infection does not start, that can be very pricey. i would call the vet and see what they think, they will want to see her. wet food is not good on a daily basis as it will give the cat gum problems.
Reply:Never "OK". But if your cat is a Siamese or has some of that mix in her breeding, they tend to have weak teeth. She could have broken it off due to her breed.
Reply:I wouldn't say its "OK" but it certainly happens, in all breeds, not just Siamese. If his teeth are covered in plaque, he definitely needs a dental appointment with your vet. Did you know that bad teeth can cause heart problems? If this is the case, you should take him to get checked ASAP!
Reply:I have a ten year old who lost one of her teeth a couple years ago. I had never had her teeth cleaned. I immediately made an appointment to do just that, for both of my cats. Cats can get periodontal disease, which could cause them to loose multiple teeth, making eating difficult. Even if your cat has not lost any teeth, they should be cleaned every couple years or so at least. It's like taking them in for a regular checkup...prevention is best. Tooth cleaning can be expensive because they have to anesthetize the cat, but it's worth it to keep your cat healthy and happy!

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