Thursday, March 11, 2010

I got braces a month ago and my fron teeth are straight but i feel them loose?

Somewhat normal. Consider that the braces have forced your teeth out of their original position, causing the bones of your face to move and realign as well. As time goes by, things should tighten up, but if you're concerned, call your orthodontist, who will be able to answer your questions in greater detail.

I got braces a month ago and my fron teeth are straight but i feel them loose?
When you get braces, you have teeth removed to make room for them to straighten.The front teeth being loose isnt anything to worry about.They arent used to the braces yet.I bet you they hurt also?..
Reply:I have the answer your're looking for. Ignore the guy who said call your orthodontist ASAP.

Your front teeth feeling loose is normal at this stage. Let me explain to you why.

#1. The reason braces work is because each tooth is suspended in a ligament, called the Periodontal ligament or PDL. This PDL is attached to the bone socket and that's how your tooth is held in your mouth.

#2. Braces work by putting pressure on one side of the PDL causing the other side to lax and the tooth moves (yes, bone is broken down and rebuilt to some extent, but let's not get too detailed).

#3. The reason your front teeth move is because they are suspended in this PDL. Think of it like a heavy boulder in the middle of a trampoline. That's what your tooth is in the PDL. It's just suspended there, held in by ligament fibers. If you jump on the trampoline, then the boulder moves. Just like if you bite into something the teeth move. This is only occuring because the teeth are in active movement or have recently been moved.

#4 Overtime the ligament will tighten up and your teeth won't feel loose anymore. Yes it hurts to bite. That's all a part of braces. I don't know how old you are, but ask a parent for an anti-inflammatory like ibuprophen or tyelonol. This will cause the PDL to settle down and it won't hurt so much.

It is possible that the way your bite is coming together is causing this also, but for the same reasoning stated above. I hope this makes sense to you.

The bottom line is that this is normal. Take if from someone who had braces herself for 5 years and from someone who is also a dental hygienist! Don't worry, it's all worth it in the end. Cut up your food for now, it will get better.

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