Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My front bottom tooth is loose?

Hi, as a kid, i have already lost my front teeth. Well, now, apparently, I was not brushing properly and formed calculus on my teeth. Well, I still didn't learn my lesson from my last 3 cleanings. I had one last week and now, I am trying harder to keep my teeth clean. When I flossed tonight, I noticed a black dot on the side of my tooth right next to the gum. I flossed it out, and my gum started to bleed (not normal). I then proceeded to get the other side of my tooth, when I noticed that the the tooth that I was flossing was becoming loose! I stopped immediately and got to my computer. This tooth is not about 1/8 - 1/4" taller than the rest of my teeth. The one that I am talking about is the bottom tooth right next to the left pointy one.

My front bottom tooth is loose?
bleeding is normal, who told you it wasnt??? bleeding means you trigger you cells to defend themselvs, whn you brush or clean, if u see blood u must brush and floss even more at that place ( more and not stronger). you teeth is loose cuz u have a parodontitis, you need parodontal therapy to keep your teeth
Reply:Go See Your Dentist ASAP.
Reply:Pull it out and put it under your pillow. The tooth fairy will give you some money.

acne scar

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