Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gum disease and an abscess tooth that is loose...?

Help! Don't know what to do but I'm sure that I have gum disease stemming from 5 years back. All of my research indicates that I got it while pregnant with my first daughter. I cracked a molar too during that pregnancy. So now that all of that has happened I never went to the dentist because I was either pregnant or didn't have insurance. Now the tooth is loose and I can't chew down on it. It formed some sort of (what I think is an,) abscess on my gums. I can see the signs of my gum wearing away to expose my teeth too, suggesting the worst stage of gum disease. I didn't know all of this until I started researching. Is there a dentist on here that can inform me of what I have to look forward too? I'm terrified of the dentist, it's part of the reason I never went.

Gum disease and an abscess tooth that is loose...?
Your research almost certainly has told you what you have to look forward to if you don't get treatment, and it ain't good. There are dentists that specialize in sedation dentistry, that's one way of dealing with your fears. You go to sleep in the dentist's office and wake up with the repairs and cleaning done. Hypnotism is another potential solution. Doing nothing will definitely make things worse. You also need to start practicing good gum hygiene, including waterpicking below the gumline with a fine rubber-tip nozzle.
Reply:i am not a dentist but if you live near stronsgville ohio i have an excellant dr. you will love i am terrified of dentists too but you really need to have this taken care of let me know and i will give you his name i have to look it up or i would give it to you now but i am at work now

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