Thursday, March 11, 2010

Am I going to start losing my teeth?

Sometimes when I bite down and push my tongue against my lower front teeth, it feels like they move a little. I went to the dentist a few weeks and I didn't mention it but he didn't say that I had any loose teeth. I'm a paraniod person so i've been worrying lately that i'm going to start losing teeth. Is it normal at all for teeth to move like this?

Am I going to start losing my teeth?
its your tongue that makes you feel this, do it and look in the mirror, they dont move right? your tongue squishes stuff through your teeth and also pushes spit against it and it feels like they move, same thing happened to me.
Reply:wow..the same exact thing happens to mee..i have no idea if im imagining the sensation of moving teeth or what..
Reply:I think ur dentist would've mentioned if ur teeth were loose. U migh've just had the impression that ur teeth were loose. Don't worry about it. Check it in front of the mirror by moving ur teeth with ur finger. Then see if it moves or not.
Reply:relax a bit , the only way you are going to lose a tooth is if you don't take care of them, and I am pretty sure if your teeth was loose your dentist would of told you.
Reply:Its okay, don't be paranoid. there is almost always some slight movement in all teeth. Your Dental Hygienist would have told you if there were a concern and the Dr confirm it. If you have regular cleanings/xrays/exams, any problem will be diagnosed before it gets out of control.

Reply:i'm going to be honest with you...just because your dentist didn't mention it, doesn't mean that it isn't happening. i worked for a dentist that i had to point out on many occasion that a patients lower anteriors were mobile.

i'm not saying that you have periodontal disease (which is a loss of bone which causes the teeth to become mobile). there is the possibility that your bite is causing these teeth to become loose. this happens more times than none. if you really want to see if your teeth are loose, take two pencils with nice fat erasers on them, place the erasers on the lip side and the tongue side of each tooth one tooth at a time. try to wiggle the tooth back and forth. if it moves, you have your answer. if this happens there are a couple of things that you could do to stop this. if you DO NOT have periodontal disease (if you did, your dentist or hygienist would tell you) then the dentist could adjust your bite to keep you from hitting that tooth or teeth. the other is to have that tooth or teeth splinted.

these are things you can talk to your dentist about.

hope this helped.
Reply:go to ur dentist.....the mobility is normal if its within 1-2mm....but more than that it is very mobile.....u have to know the cause of ur mobility due to periodonatl disease or due diabetes......

city opera

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