Friday, October 23, 2009

My little sister has a loose tooth?

she is has one loose that we dont know if its a real (forever) tooth or a milk one(change for real one). is there a way to find out that is not the doctor since the apptment is in 2 weeks and it really hurts her.

My little sister has a loose tooth?
Depending on how old your little sister is, it certainly could be a baby tooth. Because the tooth is loose, I would tend to believe it a a baby tooth.

Enclosed is a tooth eruption chart of both the primary (baby,deciduous, or milk teeth) and the permanent (adult) teeth. If she is about the age of the adult teeth erupting and the area corresponds with the chart, this can give you an indication if it is a loose baby tooth with an adult tooth trying to pop through under the gum. Keep in mind the chart is a general average or approximation, each individual may be a little early or late, but it can give you a guide to go by.

If the tooth is giving her pain calling your dentist is the best option. Good luck
Reply:How old is she? If it is small it could just be a baby tooth ready to come out.
Reply:That's nothing, mine has a loose screw!

Seriously, she or you should call the dentist and explain she's in pain. They should see her right away.
Reply:depends old is she and where do you live? in what state?
Reply:You should go to a dentist before pulling it out. Chances are, it's a primary (baby) tooth. Primary teeth are usually smaller and the roots are thin and not made of tooth material. However, baby molars are longer and wider. To be 100% sure, see a professional.

Good luck!
Reply:Primary teeth get loose some where between the ages of 5 - 7. They get loose because the roots resorb just before the permanent teetth are ready to come thru. The lower front ones usually come out first, then the uppers.
Reply:More than likely it is a baby tooth, permanent teeth don't just get loose for no reason unless you were hit the mouth or something. She is at the right age to be losing those teeth.

family nanny

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